Across The Board

Inspirational | Ambitious | Likeable | Honest | Connected

Archetype: The Down-to-Earth Eco Hero

Deliverables: Brand Strategy (including brand voice and brand story), Full Brand Identity Design, Instagram Templates & Branded Outer Packaging.

Across The Board dreams of making the world a better place by leaving its mark on it, creating a lasting legacy that will inspire generations to come. The brand radiates confidence in its actions, drawing in its target audience who need a source of strong inspiration to give them the courage to make important changes that will impact themselves and the globe. Whilst the brand is confident and inspirational, it also has a wholesome and likeable side to its personality. Its community is at the core of the brand, and without a warm, inclusive and relatable nature, the community would not be inclined to join in. They aim to make everyone who wears their garments feel like a hero, doing their bit of good for themselves and the planet.

Picture this, a warm, lazy Sunday morning in the picturesque countryside of Normandy, France. Whilst sipping her coffee, Lily, the founder of Across The Board, had a vision. But before she had the pleasure of basking in the French sun, Lily started her career in the fast-paced world of fashion right after university, based in the City of London.

  • She’d always dreamt of working in the fashion industry, but it wasn’t until she immersed herself in it that she was exposed to its true colours. What she always saw as glamorous and exciting as a child soon became somewhat of a nightmare. The reality hit once she realised that many brands prioritise profits above all else, even at the expense of the well-being of the people making the pieces and our planet.

    Every day was the same for her as a fast fashion buyer, she felt all she did was haggle prices, drown in numbers, and have endless, un-meaningful conversations with manufacturers. She’d often sit and daydream about what she really craved - a career that didn't feel like a never-ending office snooze fest.

    Lily wrestled with her thoughts, determined to calm the chaos in her mind whilst tackling the numbers on the Excel sheet her manager had sent over. A daunting task awaited her – yet another call to her employers’ overseas manufacturers, to try and cut costs even lower than they already were. She knew it was wrong, but at that moment in time, she had no choice. Lily not just wanted, but needed to get away from this life, she knew she was destined for more.

    After saving for what felt like an eternity, Lily decided to take a breather and jumped on the Eurostar heading to France. Just a few weeks in, she was so inspired by the French way of life that she quit her job back in London. Then on a warm, lazy Sunday morning in the picturesque countryside of Normandy, whilst sipping her coffee, Lily, had a vision. She wanted to create a slow fashion brand that considers the products, the planet and the people. And just like that, Across The Board was born.



To truly connect with its community, Across The Board’s brand voice is always friendly and honest. When the audience interacts with the brand, they should feel heard and supported through their authentic, relatable and inclusive brand voice.

Occasionally, depending on the medium, the tone of voice should be empowering and inspiring. Empowerment can sometimes come across as harsh, but Across The Board’s empowering tone of voice is comforting rather than rough.

The S’s in the primary logo were cut out/merged to show that the heart of the brand is its community, and that the brand thrives off of connection with others. This also doubles up as a nod to the brand’s love for the planet and how we are all at one and connected to the earth.

The submark logo features a custom monogram using the merged S’s from the primary logo, encased on a circle, representing the earth. Hand-drawn curvatures have been placed around the circle to mimic hands holding the earth.

‘Avocado’ - the bright, warm green in the brand’s colour palette was chosen to inspire action among the target audience, making them the hero in their own story. This colour will make the audience want to make positive changes that will impact themselves, the world and most importantly, create a sustainable future. The neutral shades ‘Cotton’ and ‘Stone’ were chosen to draw people in and welcome them to the Across The Board community. Using these types of colours shows the target audience that the brand is likeable, approachable, honest and down-to-earth. The colour ‘Dark Walnut’ has the same effect, it also helps tie into the overall theme of sustainability.

Across The Board’s Instagram will be the hub of its community, its where like-minded conscious individuals and curious newbies who want to learn, change and evolve will reside. In order to promote this, the content and templates were specifically crafted to focus on TOFU (top of the funnel) content that will educate and inform readers about the dangers and downsides of the fashion industry and inspire them to change the way they consume and shop fashion. The content also plays a huge role in showcasing that Across The Board gives people a new alternative way to shop, that’ll allow them to gradually build up a capsule wardrobe that’s built to last.


We alchemise brands that support who you want to be, who you’re designed to be - We care for you through every step of the transformative process, guiding you out of your limiting cocoon, and allowing you to become the butterfly you truly are. You can always count on us before, during and after your brand development.

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